dimanche 11 mai 2014

Gartner recommends IT develops real-time system administration

A lire sur: http://www.computerweekly.com/news/2240220302/Gartner-recommends-IT-develops-proactive-real-time-system-administration

Cliff Saran, Thursday 08 May 2014 13:40

Businesses will need to rethink their datacentre scaling within two years to support the demands of web-scale computing.
Traditional datacentre architectures cannot cope with the massive peaks indemand that can arise on the web.
Companies such as Amazon and NetFlixhave needed to develop custom system management tools to support scalability in their respective applications and online services.
Gartner predicts that by 2017, 25% of organisations will use “demand shaping” – in which demand is influenced to match supply – so the IT department can offer capacity planning and management for web-scale business opportunities.
Ian Head, research director at Gartner, said: "The different architectures and the huge scope of web-scale IT organisations make traditional, highly focused tools limited in use. Demand shaping requires more and different functionality than current off-the-shelf tools provide."
In the Gartner paper Capacity and performance management form the basis of web-scale IT, Head explained how such tools could work. He said: “In-memory computing and deep analytics tools are used to extract the required information from a combination of the infrastructure monitoring tools and the instrumentation built into the applications. The resulting analytical information is used to facilitate proactive, real-time and near-real-time actions to allocate resources and manage potential bottlenecks.”
Gartner predicted that major organisations will need to maintain and sustain their conventional capacity-planning skills and tools, while they develop management skills for web-scale IT.
Head said: "By 2016, the availability of capacity and performance management skills for horizontally scaled architectures will be a major constraint or risk to growth for 80% of major businesses. To take advantage of web-scale IT approaches to capacity and performance management, IT architects need to fully embrace stateless application architectures and horizontally scaling infrastructure architectures."

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