jeudi 28 juin 2012

La multiplication des données, perçue comme un avantage pour les PME

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Par L'Atelier - Paris 28 juin 2012 Big Data
Les entreprises reconnaissent l'utilité des données nombreuses, y compris les petites et moyennes. Elles en attendent même beaucoup. Chacune ayant sa propre stratégie, mais également sa propre définition
Nombreux sont les avantages du Big Data reconnus par les cadres des entreprises. Mais pas uniquement des grandes entreprises internationales, si l'on en croit une étude menée par Harris Interactive pour SAP AG auprès de cadres, dont 60% gèrent des entreprises de cinq cent millions de dollars ou moins de revenus annuels. Et pour cause, 76% de ces répondants voient dans les Big Data une opportunité pour leur entreprise. Et ce, pour les bénéfices qu'apporte cette tendance. Et notamment la baisse des coûts informatiques pour 50% des cadres interrogés, le gain en agilité de l'entreprise (48%) et le fait d'attirer et de retenir des consommateurs (46%). Raisons pour lesquelles 70% des cadres attendent un retour sur investissement dans les données dans l'année à venir.

Quelles approches ?

Néanmoins, et si le Big Data semble faire consensus, les stratégies adoptées par les entreprises sont différentes. Notamment au regard de l'informatique dans les nuages, jugé comme un outil efficace pour la gestion de ces données. En effet, 64% des personnes interrogées affirment que leur entreprise utilise les technologies cloud dans une certaine mesure. Parmi eux, 38% l'utilisent uniquement pour stocker et gérer les grosses données. Par ailleurs, 27% de ceux qui recourent au cloud compiuting ont cité l'utilisation de nuages privés ou de fermes de serveurs externes à l'entreprise et 11% ne font que stocker leurs données via un serveur public. Enfin, 26% des cadres répondant à l'étude utilisent un entrepôt hybride. A noter, par ailleurs, que 90% des cadres jugent l'accès à distance immédiat important, dont 57% absolument essentiel ou très important.

Qu'est ce que le Big Data ?

Des approches légèrement différentes qui ne sont pas sans lien avec la conception qu'ont ces cadres des Big Data. Car leur définition du phénomène diffère. Pour 28% d'entre eux, le Big Data est la croissance massive d'échange de données. Suivi par les nouvelles technologies qui répondent aux défis de volume, de variété et de rapidité des grosses données (24%), les exigences importantes en matière de stockage et d'archivage des données pour la conformité réglementaire (19%). Ou encore l'augmentation de nouvelles sources de données (mobile, réseaux sociaux, etc.) (18%) pour les principales définitions.

L’e-mail mobile : chiffres clés, usages, freins et bonnes pratiques

A lire sur:,7201,top_B4D4155D,Le-mail,mobile,chiffres,cles,usages,freins,et,bonnes,pratiques.html?utm_content=13237884&utm_medium=E-Mail&utm_source=e-news-juin-2012&utm_campaign=PROSPECTS-4133958

Bien plus qu’un simple effet de mode, la tendance mobile est confirmée et s’affirme fortement. Les usages changent et certains ne font que s’amplifier. Stars de l’Internet mobile, nombre de smartphones en hausse, développement du m-commerce, comportements et freins des mobinautes face à l’e-mail sur mobile… Retrouvez les dernières statistiques sur le sujet et découvrez les bonnes pratiques à mettre en place pour une stratégie d’e-mail mobile adaptée.
Google et Facebook, stars de l’internet mobile
Google et Facebook occupent une place de choix dans l’audience de l’Internet mobile en France avec respectivement la 1ère place (près de 15 millions de visiteurs uniques) et la 2ème position (environ 12 millions de visiteurs uniques) au classement des principaux groupes pour le mois de mars 2012. Google est également numéro 1 du classement des applications mobiles devant Youtube et iTunes.
Selon cette même étude de Médiamétrie/Netratings, les mobinautes consulteraient principalement des sites d’actualité et de sport sur l’Internet mobile. En effet, en mars 2012, plus de 7,4 millions de mobinautes auraient visité au moins un site d’actualité (+9% en 1 mois). Les raisons de cette hausse : les élections présidentielles et l’affaire Mohamed Merah.  La recherche d’informations locales est également très courante, selon une enquête d’Ipsos pour Google, puisque 85% des personnes interrogées auraient déjà utilisé leurs smartphones dans cette optique (au moins une fois par semaine pour 37% et au moins une fois par jour pour 12% d’entre eux). Plus globalement, près de 9 mobinautes sur 10 auraient visité au moins un site sur leur mobile au mois de mars 2012.
Sources : JDN (10/05/2012) et Emarketing (11/05/2012)
Les applications mobiles : un succès à modérer
38% de la population française possède aujourd'hui un smartphone, contre 27% il y a un an (étude d’Ipsos pour Google). En moyenne, les mobinautes disposent de 29 applications dont la grande majorité est gratuite (80%). Néanmoins, on note que seule 1 application sur 3 est réellement utilisée. Il est donc important de donner aux applications une véritable valeur ajoutée pour que celles-ci ne se retrouvent pas rapidement aux oubliettes.
Sources : Sud Ouest Numérique (15/05/2012) et JDN (19/03/2012)
Le M-commerce devient une valeur sûre
Selon Google, 30% des recherches sur smartphones aboutissent aujourd’hui à un achat en ligne via un ordinateur et 22% à un achat en magasin. Mais l’achat sur mobile est de plus en plus tentant depuis l’avènement des smartphones. Les Français devraient d’ailleurs dépenser près de 2,2 milliards d’euros en 2012 sur leurs téléphones contre 1,3 milliards d’euros en 2011 et 300 millions d’euros en 2010 (étude, 2012). Cela représente une croissance de 598% en deux ans. A l’heure actuelle, 23% des internautes français achètent fréquemment depuis leur mobile et 33% de manière plus ponctuelle (2 à 3 fois par an). Bien que 40% des mobinautes apprécient le gain de temps de l’achat sur mobile, nombreux déplorent encore le manque flagrant d’optimisation des sites pour une lecture et une navigation optimales sur ce support.
Sources : ITR News (09/05/2012) et Business-Mobile (22/05/2012)
Les comportements de consultation des mobinautes
La consultation des messages e-mails sur mobile est en pleine croissance. 27% des messages e-mails seraient aujourd’hui lus depuis un terminal mobile (étude Knotice, mars 2012) et, en moyenne, les mobinautes consacreraient 1h30 par semaine à cette activité (IPSOS). De plus, 36% des mobinautes consulteraient des messages e-mails promotionnels sur leur support mobile, et ce chiffre attendrait même 55% chez les 18-34 ans (étude Steel, mai 2012). L’enquête révèle également que l’objet d’un message e-mail est un facteur déterminant dans l’ouverture du message pour 40% des mobinautes.
Les freins et bonnes pratiques de l’e-mail mobile
Plus des 2/3 des mobinautes auraient ainsi réalisé une action immédiatement après avoir ouvert un message e-mail sur leur mobile. Néanmoins, l’e-mail mobile rencontre des freins importants à prendre en considération : un message e-mail trop long qui nécessite de faire défiler la page, un format inadapté (largeur du message), un contenu trop conséquent, des liens ou appels à l’action difficilement utilisables car trop petits, ou encore des images qui ne s’activent pas automatiquement.
Voici donc 6 conseils pour optimiser vos campagnes e-mails pour les terminaux mobiles :  - Créez un objet particulièrement attractif et pertinent - Simplifiez vos messages e-mails en réduisant le nombre de catégories, de liens et d’images - Réduisez le nombre de vos appels à l’action et augmentez leur surface cliquable (44x44 pixels minimum) - Hiérarchisez pertinemment votre contenu et soyez direct et concis - Utilisez des majuscules dans vos titres afin de les distinguer du reste de votre contenu - Limitez votre message à une ou deux colonnes pour présenter votre contenu
Sources : CommentCaMarche (22/05/2012) et Steel Mobile (format pdf)

Montée en puissance de l'industrie logicielle allemande et du cluster Software

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L'industrie allemande du logiciel et des services IT employait 500.000 personnes à la fin 2011, soit 30.000 personnes de plus que l'année précédente. Le principal moteur de croissance est le "Software cluster" entre Darmstadt (Hesse), Kaiserslautern (Rhénanie-Palatinat), Sarrebruck (Sarre) Karlsruhe et Walldorf (Bade-Wurtemberg), concentrant environ un ingénieur sur cinq travaillant dans cette industrie dans le pays [1].

En effet, l'emploi dans l'industrie du logiciel en Allemagne a augmenté de 6,3% entre septembre 2010 et septembre 2011 (pour arriver à un peu plus de 496.000 employés), pendant que l'emploi dans l'économie en général augmentait de 2,5% sur la même période. Le "Software Cluster" du sud-ouest, avec plus de 95.000 employés, concentre désormais plus de personnel spécialisé dans ce domaine que ceux de Berlin, Hambourg, Hanovre (Basse-Saxe) et Munich (Bavière) réunis. Ce cluster s'étend autour des centres de R&D informatique de Darmstadt, Kaiserslautern, Karlsruhe, Sarrebruck et Walldorf, les deux bassins principaux étant ainsi la région Rhin-Main-Neckar (43.000 employés) et du Nord-Bade (38.000 employés).

Selon la liste "Lünendonk", un classement annuel de l'industrie des TIC, les plus grandes sociétés allemandes de logiciels y seraient basées, à l'image de SAP AG (Walldorf), Software AG (Darmstadt) et Buhl Data Service GmbH (Neunkirchen, Rhénanie-Palatinat). Les sièges allemands d'Accenture, Sage Software ou T-Systems se sont également implantés dans le cluster.

Les données de cette étude proviennent de l'Agence fédérale pour l'emploi, via la répartition géographique de la catégorie 62 "services des technologies de l'information".


[1] Le Software Cluster a été nommé "Cluster de pointe" (Spitzencluster) en janvier 2010 lors de la deuxième phase de l'initiative. Il a pour but de faciliter le transfert de résultats issus du domaine de la recherche vers des produits et services innovants. Les clusters de pointe sélectionnés (5 par phase) reçoivent du gouvernement fédéral jusqu'à 40 millions d'euros sur cinq ans pour la mise en place de leur stratégie, si les acteurs qui y participent investissent une somme au moins équivalente. 

Pour en savoir plus, contacts : "Les cinq gagnants du concours des Spitzenclusters", BE Allemagne 468 - 27/01/2010 -
Code brève,  ADIT : 70397

Sources : "Beschäftigung in der deutschen Software-Industrie: Das Herz schlägt im Südwesten", dépêche idw, communiqué de presse du Software Cluster - 25/06/2012 -

Rédacteurs : Charles Collet, -           
Origine : BE Allemagne numéro 577 (27/06/2012) - Ambassade de France en Allemagne / ADIT -

BYOD will push up IT costs, say tech chiefs

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Takeaway: Staff expect to use their own gadgets at work but this could be a major headache - and cost - for the organisation.
While staff seem determined to use their own computing devices in the workplace – the practice known as bring your own device (BYOD) – IT directors are fearful it will increase the cost and complexity of corporate IT.
Almost three quarters (73 per cent) of the 100 IT directors surveyed for research by IT services provider Damovo UK worry that BYOD will cause IT costs to “spiral out of control”.
IT managers fear costs will balloon as workers purchase their own mobile devices, call and data plans - with little to no centralised control or discounts - and then charge them back to the business.
The majority (69 per cent) are sceptical that the shift to BYOD will reduce support costs, believing that employees will ask IT to resolve issues with devices and services, rather than assuming more personal responsibility for fixing problems.
Managers anticipate that supporting BYOD will impose new costs on the IT department, at least in the short term, with the biggest financial burden created by new security measures, supporting additional devices and improving network coverage.
Beyond the additional costs, the vast majority of directors (82 per cent) say the complexity of configuring access privileges for the plethora of devices under BYOD will place additional burden on the IT department.
Damovo UK suggests some of the difficulties anticipated about BYOD could be addressed by putting in place a mobile device management process to establish centralised access privileges and setting up corporate stores of centrally sanctioned apps.
While the majority of organisations have BYOD usage guidelines in place the research found that more than one third of organisations (39 per cent) have not implemented such guidelines.

La vie quotidienne totalement « ludifiée » en 2020 ?
Par L'Atelier - San Francisco 27 juin 2012 smartphone projecting gaming apps

La ludification devrait se répandre d'ici 2020 et fera sans doute partie intégrante de notre vie de tous les jours. Ses racines dans la culture pré-digitale des consommateurs suggèrent qu'elle est là pour durer.
Les start-up et fournisseurs de services découvrent sans cesse de nouvelles manières d'implémenter la gamification : des mécaniques de jeu et systèmes de récompense à la mode qu'on voit fleurir partout, de l'enregistrement dans les applications aux suites de productivité au travail. Certains analystes technologiques prévoient que ces outils feront partie intégrante de notre vie d'ici à 2020, mais leurs théories sur la façon dont cela se manifestera diffèrent. Une partie est d'avis que les éléments de jeu peuvent constituer une aide dans les secteurs où ils apparaissent, comme par exemple l'éducation, la santé, l'entreprise et la formation. Une autre partie voir plus loin et y voit une façon de manipuler en douce le comportement des utilisateurs. Un rapport conjoint de l'université d'Elon et de l'Internet & American Life Project de Pew examine les différentes points de vue relatifs à la façon dont les « couches de jeux » affecteront ces secteurs dans le futur.
Les institutions culturelles pourraient influencer l’évolution de la tendance
De nombreux experts ayant répondu à l'enquête considèrent 2020 prématuré pour constater un résultat probant de l'influence croissante de la gamification. Ceci dit, le décollage pourrait être affecté de manière significative par la façon dont les organisations culturelles l'utilisent : cela pourrait la faire passer de la tour d'ivoire des start-up à l'homme de la rue. Un des experts interrogés estime que « si les églises, les clubs comme le Rotary et les Kiwanis estiment qu'ils peuvent mieux remplir leur mission en faisant passer certaines activités ludiques de don sur le smartphone de leurs membres, nous aurons dépassé une barrière culturelle importante. »
La ludification peut évoluer sous un autre nom, plus subtile
L’étude suggère par ailleurs que le terme ludification est peut-être relativement inadaptés. Les jeux seront de plus en plus ancrés dans les attentes du client quand ils sont en ligne, font des achats ou utilisent des logiciels, et dans la vie quotidienne. Par conséquent, tout en se banalisant, le terme « ludification » pourrait perdre de son sens, et par conséquent, dans le processus de déploiement de masse, on verra probablement éclore une nouvelle appellation plus précise et plus adaptée, comme par exemple « sociologie inférentielle ». En effet, la ludification elle-même n'est pas si nouvelle : nous adaptons simplement à la sphère digitale des comportements déjà existants. Ce qui est réellement nouveau, c’est l’ampleur du phénomène et son omniprésence.

Les réseaux sociaux ne seraient pas encore de si bons relais de l'information

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Par L'Atelier - Paris 27 juin 2012 réseaux sociaux mauvais relais d'information
Véritables tremplins pour les stratégies de présence en ligne des entreprises, les réseaux sociaux n'atteindraient pas les chiffres escomptés concernant la génération de trafic pour les sites d'actualité.
En France, les réseaux sociaux auraient-il atteint leur limite lorsqu'il s'agit de produire du trafic vers les sites web d'actualité ? C'est ce que laisse entendre en tout cas la société AT Internet, spécialiste de la mesure d'audience, dans une étude récente qui dévoile que sur les cinq derniers mois, la part des visites sur les sites d'actualité que l'on peut attribuer à Facebook se stabilise à 2,9%. De même, une stabilisation serait également perceptible en provenance de Twitter qui stagne sur la même période à 0,6%. Des résultats qui s'avèrent particulièrement décevants pour les sites d'actualité au vu de la réussite des campagnes marketing des autres secteurs et, surtout qu'au contraire l'évolution du trafic sur an laissait présager une augmentation exponentielle.

Des chiffres qui (ne) cessent d'augmenter

Car en effet sur la période de mars 2011 à mai 2012, la part moyenne de redirection d'internautes vers les sites d'actualité a quasiment doublé pour Facebook, passant de 1,5% à 2,9%, et même triplé pour Twitter, passant quant à lui de 0,2% à 0,6%. Donc, ce ralentissement dans la progression du trafic est d'autant plus effrayant pour les 11 sites d'actualité français sondés dans le cadre de l'étude que Facebook représente actuellement 25,2% d'apport de visites. Soit 3 visites sur 100 peuvent lui être attribuées, près de cinq fois plus que pour le moteur de recherche Bing. Il se placerait d'ailleurs parmi les deux sites les plus affluents pour les sites d'actualité. Et bien qu'un peu plus modeste en terme de trafic, Twitter représente notamment 0,6% du total des visites sur ces sites et 5,8% sur la part des sites relayeurs.

D'autres médias plus influents/affluents

Et l'explication de ce ralentissement se trouverait peut être, selon l'étude, dans la concurrence avec le géant Google. Ainsi, à titre de comparaison, lorsque la part de Facebook sur le total des visites n'atteint que 2,9%, celle de Google grimpe à 40,3% en moyenne. Soit 14 fois de plus que Facebook. Il est vrai que l'on peut attester que la fonction première de Google est d'être un moteur de recherche et donc, que contrairement aux réseaux sociaux, celui-ci propose directement des liens aux internautes. Mais ce serait négliger l'utilisation de son propre réseau social Google+. Quoi qu'il en soit, l'étude rappelle que la zone d'actualité iGoogle se positionnerait tout de même à la première place pour près de la moitié des sites web d'actualité.

Magic Quadrant for CRM Multichannel Campaign Management

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22 May 2012 ID:G00234746
Analyst(s): Adam Sarner


Digital marketing is transforming MCCM. While vendors in this market provide some digital offerings, such as social or mobile, most have a basic level of functionality and road map. Web content management vendors are building digital marketing functionality, and are competing in the MCCM space.

Market Definition/Description

Multichannel campaign management (MCCM) processes enable companies to define, orchestrate and communicate offers to customer segments across multichannel environments, such as websites, mobile, social, direct mail, call centers and email. This approach can include integrating marketing offers/leads with sales for execution. Basic campaign management includes functionality for segmentation, campaign execution and campaign workflows. Advanced analytic functionality includes predictive analytics and campaign optimization. Advanced execution functionality includes loyalty management, content management, event triggering, and real-time decisioning/offer management in inbound and outbound environments. Digital marketing continues to integrate with campaign management, and includes addressable branding/advertising, contextual marketing and transactional marketing (see "Digital Marketing: The Critical Trek for Multichannel Campaign Management"). Digital marketing extends the marketing process through channels such as the Web, email, video, mobile and social applications, point-of-sale terminals, interactive TV, digital signage and kiosks.

Magic Quadrant

Figure 1. Magic Quadrant for CRM Multichannel Campaign Management
Figure 1.Magic Quadrant for CRM Multichannel Campaign Management
Source: Gartner (May 2012)

Vendor Strengths and Cautions

Adobe Systems

Adobe Systems enters this year's research for its vision and the continuing development of its digital marketing capabilities to assist companies and agencies in the best placing for their online marketing budgets across channels. Consider Adobe when Web analytics, Web content management and addressable advertising are top MCCM strategy priorities. The targeted industries are publishers, media, retail and financial services, among others.
  • Digital marketing: Although online focused, Adobe's digital marketing suite provides basic and advanced analytic and campaign management capabilities, and meets the criteria for this research. The digital marketing suite provides analytics for real-time segmentation, customer scoring and optimization capabilities to digital channels such as social, display, search video, email and mobile.
  • Digital marketing acquisitions: Notable changes in 2011 included the acquisition of Demdex (an anonymous behavioral data service), Auditude (a video advertising platform) and Efficient Frontier (real-time ad bidding/optimization), which includes a social media management platform through the acquisition of Context Optional. Enhancements to Adobe SiteCatalyst included real-time segmentation reporting filtered by segments such as Facebook users, mobile traffic and/or visitors who have watched a video or any other custom-defined segment. Adobe also released a SiteCatalyst iPad app that enables marketers to manipulate data for deeper analysis on the go. Also in 2011, Adobe announced and shipped SocialAnalytics, which will be integrated with Context Optional to create a new social campaign management product, Adobe Social, in 2012.
  • Road map: The company's 2012 plans include the integration of its acquisitions of Demdex, Auditude and Efficient Frontier for channel-specific solutions for advertisers with centralized campaign planning, buying and optimization across all channels.
  • Offline capability: Adobe's digital marketing suite is suited for the orchestration, measurement and execution of digital campaigns. However, like traditional campaign management vendors that have focused largely offline, other growing digital marketing platforms must continue to provide or integrate with offline campaign management functions, such as call centers and direct mail.
  • Broader marketing adoption: Adobe needs to improve its sales strategy and execution. It needs the right type and number of personnel who can articulate the value of an optimized digital strategy for multiple industries.
  • Advertising-centric: Adobe's digital marketing capabilities are largely geared for advertisers, agencies and publishers, not necessarily the marketing departments in the industries Adobe is targeting.


ClickSquared enters this year's research, as it moves from offering more of a service to a product MCCM Niche Player. Business-to-consumer (B2C) midsize organizations wanting a software as a service (SaaS)-based subscription model with a focus on digital channels (such as email, SMS and social) can consider ClickSquared.
  • Momentum: Gartner estimated that ClickSquared's revenue reached $26 million in 2011, with significant growth. ClickSquared claims to be earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)-positive. The targeted industries are travel and hospitality, sports and entertainment, and banking for onboarding-type campaigning.
  • Ease of use, and basic and advanced functionality: ClickSquared provides easy-to-use and accessible functionality, such as a drag-and-drop campaign design interface, visual audience selection from within its business intelligence (BI) toolset, and the use of Netezza for quick, ad hoc query execution (fast counts). Many clients chose segmentation and data mining as top reasons for using ClickSquared. It provides basic and advanced campaign management, with advanced in-database analytic scoring capabilities, including prebuilt industry-specific predictive and descriptive models. Additions in 2011 included the launch of the Cross-Channel Marketing Hub in October. ClickSquared also partnered with Offerpop to provide Facebook and Twitter apps for social campaigns.
  • Road map: The road map for 2012 includes expanded entitlement schemes, extended third-party channel integration capabilities, and improved content management and channel delivery options. ClickSquared also plans to work on expanded offer management capabilities, and cross-media response attribution metrics.
  • Overall mind share: ClickSquared's visibility for MCCM and digital marketing is low. The company made the minimum requirement for showing up on client shortlists for MCCM. However, the product side business is new.
  • Support and service: Clients mentioned a still-maturing support and service organization with lead times even for simple tasks as an area for improvement.
  • Number of new deals: Although ClickSquared now has over 100 customers, it just meets the client threshold of 15 new customers a year. The company has added significantly to its sales force, and recently added more management service provider (MSP) partners.


Eloqua remains a growing Niche Player, with a respected SaaS offering for lead management in B2B, or for B2B in consumer markets where large, considered purchases require a sales agent. Midmarket, B2B-oriented clients and those with sales agents working on large, considered purchases looking for on-demand campaign management focused on lead management should consider Eloqua.
  • Profitability: Eloqua revenue grew about 40% in 2011, to approximately $71 million. The company has stated that it is profitable, and filed an S-1 toward its intention to go public (the filing date was August 2011).
  • Expanding breadth: In July 2011, Eloqua introduced Revenue Suite, a set of applications (and services) designed to help businesses more accurately predict revenue growth. Eloqua Revenue Suite includes workflow tools for defining revenue cycle stages and dashboards that track the health of the integrated sales and marketing pipeline. Eloqua also announced Strict Mode, a feature to help marketers comply with the EU's high-profile privacy tracking regulations. In June 2011, Eloqua announced Eloqua AppCloud for B2B marketing applications. Categories include social, data and webinar/event applications. For example, social connectors such as Radian6 help marketers integrate social data with Eloqua data to build a buyer profile. Eloqua has over 50 apps, and released Eloqua Social Suite, a set of applications that makes it easy for B2B marketers to ramp up and use social media. Social Suite comprises several social applications, including social sharing and content apps to enable prospects and customers to share content across leading social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn.
  • Road map: For 2012, plans include more advanced analytics, such as multilevel attribution metrics and a forecasting capability that looks at multiple past quarters. Eloqua also will release visual insight reports, such as heat maps of where prospects are located throughout a certain region. In 3Q12, Eloqua plans to launch Mobile Insight for the iPad, which will provide full access to the analytics platform so that executives can easily gain insight into marketing and sales effectiveness. In 4Q12, Eloqua will release its representational state transfer (REST) API so that customers and the company's ecosystem of 60-plus partners can build value-added marketing applications on the platform.
  • System: References consistently referenced the completeness and robustness of the Eloqua system as top strengths.
  • Support and software: References mentioned some growing pains for support, or needing higher tiers of support for problem resolution. Clients mentioned software bugs in program reporting and metrics as needing improvement.
  • reliance: Most Eloqua customers use However, Eloqua should not become overly reliant on this partnership, because could decide to purchase or develop its own lead management offerings.
  • B2C: Consider alternatives when lead management in a B2B environment is not a priority.


Unica's mind share in the MCCM market keeps IBM in a Leaders position in this year's research. Unica is a key part of IBM's broader plans for its Smarter Commerce initiative (involving Unica, Coremetrics, Sterling Commerce and other assets/companies). Marketing departments can consider Unica when MCCM is a significant strategic requirement. Clients focused on B2B capabilities or MCCM in small or midsize businesses (SMBs) should consider alternatives.
  • Overall viability: IBM has a global reach, with $106.9 billion in revenue in 2011, making it one of the more viable vendors in this market. IBM (Unica) reported 21.7% growth for its Enterprise Marketing Management group from 2010 to 2011. The acquisition of Unica by IBM is expanding Unica's reach into new markets, particularly in the Asia/Pacific region and Latin America.
  • "Blue-washing": Notable changes in 2011 included the release of IBM-Unica 8.5, which included offer life cycle management; a new user interface (UI) for real-time personalization, including scriptless integration with websites; a suitewide scheduler for model building and scoring; and the IBM blue-washing of the marketing application suite, including localization into nine new languages (e.g., Italian, Japanese, Korean and Simplified Chinese).
  • Road map: For 2012, a stronger focus on digital marketing will include much-needed data integration between Coremetrics Web behavior data and Unica Campaign. IBM will work on advanced response/conversion attribution capabilities that build on a multichannel interaction history and employ a new, statistically inferred response attribution capability. It will release a new interface for the Unica suite, and plans to release an MCCM SaaS offering for the midmarket in late 2012.
  • Advanced campaign management: References consistently pointed to high scores for understanding marketers' needs in advanced campaign management.
  • Competition: The vendor must continue to provide and accelerate a leading vision as an MCCM vendor for digital marketing. There is accelerating competition, including from other markets, such as Web content management and Web analytics, gaining mind share and revenue in this area.
  • Support: References continue to mention some professional support issues and lack of attention since the IBM acquisition. Clients want to see more partnered relationships, although they indicated that IBM has been improving in this area.
  • Midmarket: IBM-Unica will see increased pressure from on-demand, midmarket players in campaign management. Although it targets midmarket solutions, the vendor needs to demonstrate success with its on-demand interactive marketing solution as a whole, not just distinct Web analytics offerings.


Infor CRM Epiphany re-enters this research as a Niche Player focusing on the MCCM market. Infor CRM Epiphany has reduced its emphasis on a CRM suite for sales to serve the Infor installed base, and is instead focusing on marketing departments and MCCM. Companies seeking campaign management with integrated advanced analytics in vertical industries such as financial services and insurance, telecommunications, hospitality and gaming, retail and high tech can consider Infor CRM Epiphany.
  • Core campaign management functionality: Infor includes basic and advanced campaign management execution, and basic and advanced analytics. The company has doubled its development team for Epiphany, and plans an aggressive six-month deployment cycle of releases. Infor CRM Epiphany's campaign management strength is in B2C service industries, and it still has significant mind share in real-time, next-best-offer capabilities through CRM Enterprise Interaction Advisor.
  • Advanced analytics: Notable 2011 additions to Epiphany included Shopping Advisor to help retailers offer personalized website content and recommendations, a partnership with Orbis Global for Marketing Resource Management and Marketing 10.0, and Interaction Advisor 10.0 releases for unified inbound/outbound marketing.
  • Road map: The road map for 2012 includes a needed UI update, and most notably a packaging of Interaction Advisor for recommendation/next-best-offer help in email, social networking, mobile advisories, etc.
  • Channels: References mentioned the ability to target the appropriate audience across channels, and to keep campaign promotions and offers consistent regardless of channel as strengths for Epiphany.
  • Competition: Infor Epiphany offers B2C campaign management in a company that mostly sells software to B2B manufacturing environments, and Infor CRM Epiphany had been somewhat of a neglected product in MCCM capability. Although there have been renewed investments in and aggressive development of the offering, the MCCM market has gotten much more competitive.
  • Digital marketing capability: Social marketing and mobile capability, hot areas for MCCM and digital marketing, are still in future planning.
  • UI, and software installation and integration: References mentioned a needed UI update, complexity of software installation and integration, and that, although powerful, the UI takes time to configure properly. References mentioned a dedicated and knowledgeable professional service team, but acknowledged its expense.


Marketo is a Niche Player with top mind share in lead management capabilities primarily for the midmarket, but the company continues to make gains with larger organizations. B2B marketers should consider Marketo as a midmarket provider of SaaS lead management tools that enables them to automate the lead process. Consider alternatives if B2B lead management isn't a priority.
  • Growth: Marketo continues to grow quickly. The vendor reported revenue growth of more than 150% in 2011, compared with reported 300% revenue growth in 2010. Gartner estimates Marketo's 2011 revenue to be in the $30 million range. The company is not yet profitable, but has significant funding, and is showing more multidivisional deployments in larger companies.
  • Lead management's expanding breadth: Additions in 2011 saw improvements in the product, including, most notably, a multistep program capability, event marketing and integration with webinars, and continued development of analytics such as Revenue Cycle Explorer (Ad Hoc Report Builder) to analyze program performance, multiple lead scores and a multitouch attribution capability. Marketo also launched a lower-priced lead management option called Spark by Marketo for midsize companies. Marketo also partnered with ExactTarget, which will resell Marketo's Revenue Performance Management solution as it expands globally. Marketo released a prebuilt integration capability for Microsoft Dynamics.
  • Road map: The road map for 2012 includes plans for integration of the first acquisition, Crowd Factory, for social marketing techniques (see "2012 Crowd Factory Extends Marketo Offering, but Is Not Transformational"). Road map areas include work on marketing resource management (MRM) for planning calendars, forecasting capabilities beyond waterfall forecasting and developing, and partnerships via a Marketo application exchange.
  • Setup and ease of use: References consistently point to setup and ease of use as strengths for Marketo, and continue to score it as above average for the lead management product as a whole.
  • reliance: The vast majority of Marketo's offerings integrate with However, Marketo should not become overly reliant on this partnership, because could decide to purchase or develop its own lead management offerings.
  • Reporting and analytics: References consistently mentioned out-of-the-box reporting and analytics as being weak. Clients found revenue cycle analytics to be better, but this feature costs extra, and can be difficult to get data from.
  • Profitability: Marketo is well-funded and growing quickly, but it is not yet profitable. The vendor has set its sights on 2012 as a break-even point.


Neolane moves to the Visionaries quadrant in this year's research, with $44 million in revenue in 2011. It continues to raise visibility and mind share in B2C and B2B MCCM. Neolane is often seen in perpetual license deals against IBM-Unica for MCCM. Marketers also can consider Neolane when SaaS is a preferred option, and when more digital marketing areas such as Web/email and social marketing are a focus.
  • Growth: Neolane reported growth of approximately 47% in 2011. It focused on the U.S., the U.K., France and the Nordic market. Among the industries targeted are retail, travel/hospitality, media/entertainment and financial/insurance.
  • Digital marketing focus: Notable additions in 2011 included more leading MCCM capabilities, such as Neolane Social Marketing, with features including social sign-on, social user profile capture into the marketing database, and the ability to deliver real-time personalized offers to Facebook and Twitter. Many competitors are still working on these capabilities, and the company reports Neolane Social Marketing being sold in 35% of net new deals.
  • Road map: The road map for 2012 includes the company's own advanced analytics for interaction/offer management, as well as additional social and mobile capabilities.
  • UI and customizable campaigns: References consistently mention Neolane's easy UI and the ability to fully customize campaigns as top strengths.
  • Workflow complexity: Several references mentioned complexity in setting up and running workflows.
  • Road map acceleration in digital marketing: Neolane should leverage its MCCM capability and vision in digital marketing areas such as Web campaign management, social marketing and search marketing, and should further market itself in the social space to differentiate itself in the growing and competitive campaign management space.
  • Specific B2B functionality: Neolane offers B2C and B2B capabilities, but should further develop its lead management thought leadership by leveraging not only B2C capabilities for B2B, but also specific B2B capabilities, such as event management, contract management and pricing optimization.

Oracle RightNow

Preacquisition and postacquisition, Oracle RightNow will sell its campaign management offerings as part of RightNow's CX suite, and remains a Niche Player in this Magic Quadrant. Marketers should consider RightNow Outreach when they need to complement customer service, and where more visionary social and knowledge activities with basic campaign management capabilities are needed in an on-demand delivery model.
  • Customer service: Oracle RightNow has core strengths in customer service and complimentary marketing and sales solutions, with emphasis on high technology, retail, consumer goods, higher education, government and telecom. RightNow focuses on B2C-oriented businesses, which are better suited to the vendor's campaign management offerings and its installed base of service-based call centers.
  • Fusion Service replacement: Oracle plans to use RightNow as a replacement for Oracle Fusion Service. RightNow Marketing was renamed RightNow Outreach, and will serve to trigger campaigns based on agent or customer activity. Notable social additions in 2011 included Social Monitor for brand pages on Facebook for use with segmentation with outbound email campaigns.
  • Road map: Plans for 2012 include bringing in advanced analytics such as Oracle's real-time decisioning tools and integration with newly acquired Oracle ATG for e-commerce. Plans include adding marketing content to service emails.
  • Ease of use: References consistently mention ease of use as a strength for RightNow's campaign management capabilities.
  • Social marketing and Web analytics: References rated the social marketing and Web analytics capabilities below RightNow's other capabilities.
  • Digital marketing execution: The vendor should continue to develop its more visionary digital marketing strategy (such as social and mobile marketing), and its intersection with customer service.
  • Broader capabilities: Consider alternatives when integrated marketing and service solutions are not a priority.

Oracle Siebel

Oracle Siebel remains a Leader in this year's research for its focus on MCCM with loyalty marketing. B2C marketers should add Siebel Marketing to their campaign management shortlists, particularly when marketers can leverage the integration of marketing and loyalty management. Consider alternatives when an overall CRM suite is not the main value proposition.
  • Growth: Oracle reports that Siebel Marketing's licensed revenue and deal size continued to grow in 2011, up about 20% from 2010, by Gartner's estimate.
  • Loyalty management focus: Notable changes in 2011 included Siebel Loyalty Management release 8.2.2, with new features such as theme-based clubs and event-based promotions. Siebel released a graphical promotion designer and rules library to improve the user experience around recurring redemption awards, promotion simulation, etc. Oracle also certified Siebel Marketing against the latest Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition (OBI EE) 11g to significantly improve performance and scalability, and targeting capabilities. Oracle Siebel improved its visualization, and spatial and mapping data-driven segmentation and analysis (to allow location-based targeting). Oracle Siebel and Oracle ATG Integration first steps in MCCM included customer profile mapping and synchronization.
  • Road map: For 2012, Oracle is targeting a Next Best Action (NBA) Framework for Siebel CRM, including advanced integration between Siebel CRM and Oracle Real-Time Decisions (RTD), and support for broader, user-defined recommendation categories, such as next-best-product and message recommendations (not just marketing offers). Siebel is adding social media marketing components to its Siebel Loyalty Management solution to enable communities of social influencers to increase their engagement and revenue. There are plans for campaign performance optimization improvements for Siebel Marketing. Continued work is planned for Oracle Siebel integration with Oracle WebCenter Sites (formerly FatWire) for Web channel and content management.
  • Automation of campaigns, and integration: References cited end-to-end automation of campaigns and integration with Siebel Loyalty as top strengths for Siebel Marketing.
  • Documentation and releases: References indicated the need for clearer documentation for business users and a less time-intensive and complicated release strategy to configure new features. Oracle reports that it has taken steps to address this, including moving to an agile development process, and introducing an annual innovation pack strategy.
  • Integration with the broader CRM suite: Siebel Marketing continues to achieve momentum among marketing departments for B2C campaign and loyalty management capabilities, but integration with the broader CRM suite remains the primary value proposition.
  • Loyalty versus best of breed: References reported choosing Oracle Siebel because of an existing relationship with the company, rather than because it is best of breed, except when loyalty management was the main driver.

PB Software

PB Software is a Niche Player offering advanced analytics, basic and advanced outbound campaign management, and inbound campaign management (inbound/outbound fusion) to B2C financial services, telecommunications and some retail clients. Marketers should consider PB Software when their real-time inbound/outbound dialogue strategy includes advanced predictive analytic capabilities and a contact center among its channels.
  • Growth: PB Software reported an increase of 60% in MCCM-specific revenue. Gartner estimates that the company earned about $17 million in revenue in campaign management in 2011. PB Software is more visionary than other vendors in MCCM due to its uplift optimizer capability, which focuses offers based on customers likely to respond to the message, and identifies those who will buy anyway and those who will never buy.
  • Advanced analytics: The company now has new anonymous/known Web visitor targeting to present relevant offers from acquisition throughout the customer life cycle. Notable additions for 2011 included a new version of Portrait Interaction Optimizer, with a Silverlight-based interface for simplified selection and targeting, and real-time performance views of responses with heat map visualization of success and or concerns. PB Software has one interface for all inbound and outbound MCCM, including one view of tracking campaign performance, and a unified calendar view. Enhancements in 2011 included direct connectors into Microsoft Dynamics CRM and
  • Road map: Plans for 2012 include a visual selection and segmentation interface for campaigns across inbound and outbound environments. This interface may be used in stand-alone mode for ad hoc customer data exploration when sold separately as Portrait Explorer. Portrait Explorer allows marketers to see customer profiles and attributes graphically organized in customer cards that can be laid out to compare and contrast personae and experiment with queries to check how different segments are sorted.
  • Professional services: References referred to PB Software's professional services as having worked hard with business users to help drive tool use, and that the personnel understood their business.
  • Mind share: The vendor's visibility into and mind share for overall MCCM remains low, though its work on MSP partnerships should help.
  • Social marketing: PB Software should accelerate some road map ideas on location-based mobile marketing, and should invest in social marketing as part of a digital marketing strategy.
  • Call center: Seek alternatives when a call center isn't a significant part of your overall MCCM strategy.


Responsys moves in execution and vision to become one of the Visionaries as it takes a digital approach toward MCCM. B2C marketers can consider Responsys when seeking a SaaS-only campaign management tool that uses email, mobile, social, display and Web as main channels. Clients seeking B2B functionality such as lead management or event planning, and midsize, SMB or B2C clients seeking inbound marketing in the call center, should consider alternative providers.
  • Profitability: Responsys is a profitable public company, with $134.9 million in revenue for 2011. It provides basic B2C campaign management, and some advanced analytic and digital marketing capabilities in a multitenant SaaS application. Responsys targets many industries, including (in order of priority) retail, financial services, travel and hospitality, and high technology. Channels include email, mobile, social, display and Web.
  • Expanding digital marketing breadth: The 2011 additions to the Responsys offerings included, most notably, a display retargeting capability through Interact for Display, more advanced analytic capability such as Winner Selection/Program Optimization decisioning type capability that tests message timing, channel and frequency, as well as testing for different types of content. Other additions include Responsys Interact for distributed marketing, and integration with Bazaarvoice.
  • Road map: Plans for 2012 include predictive modeling, advanced customer segmentation and clustering, display behavioral data integration, and mobile and video display retargeting.
  • Expectations: References consistently point to Responsys as having met or exceeded expectations for the offering as a whole.
  • Email-centric: Gartner estimates that more than 70% of Responsys' revenue comes from email marketing. Many references reported that they use email and Web landing pages as their main channels.
  • Support and rollouts: References mention somewhat slow support turnaround times, and the need to be more proactive in alerting customers of new product rollouts and how to use them.
  • Data analysis and mining: References consistently mention Responsys as being at the top for email marketing, but also a need for more advanced data analysis and data mining investment for multichannel marketing.


SAP's company strength and delivery of marketing as an integrated solution within a CRM suite keep it a Challenger in this market. Marketing departments in an SAP environment should evaluate SAP campaign management to see whether it meets their requirements before seeking best-of-breed solutions.
  • Core campaign management: SAP provides basic and advanced campaign management execution, high-performance customer segmentation, trade promotion management, lead management and loyalty management. Advanced analytics include real-time offer management in campaigns. The vendor reports that about 50% of its active CRM 7.0 customers use SAP Marketing.
  • Big data progress: Notable changes in 2011 included the release of CRM 7.0, with an increased focus in B2C offerings such as the HANA accelerator, which has the ability to deal with large sets of data such as social media sources. Also new and available in 2Q11 was Social Customer Engagement, an on-demand solution for social monitoring in the B2B-to-consumer space. SAP introduced Collaborative Campaign Management to include partners in campaign planning and execution. SAP also extended its loyalty management capability to include partner products and services to run joint loyalty programs.
  • Road map: The road map for 2012 includes plans to release a HANA-based predictive segmentation solution, SAP Audience Discovery and Targeting, along with advanced segmentation and real-time predictive analytics and data mining. SAP plans to release a hosted model for SAP Loyalty Management. Social additions will include tighter integration with NetBase for social monitoring and profiling, and StreamWork for social collaboration. SAP also plans to offer tighter integration with ExactTarget and OpenText.
  • Single system and view: References mentioned that using one system that provides a single customer view with SAP as one of the vendor's strengths.
  • Social marketing: Social marketing is more in the future-road-map stage than the execution stage. SAP is pointing to partnership plans in social analytics, but plans to build social interactions and engagement capabilities, leveraging the analytic outputs. Most CRM suite providers are still trailing in social CRM offerings.
  • Overall MCCM: References point to integration with SAP as the biggest driver for SAP marketing, not necessarily its overall MCCM capability.
  • Current or planned environment: Consider alternatives if SAP is not part of your current or planned environment.


SAS continues its leadership positioning in this Magic Quadrant for its strong revenue in campaign management and best-in-class marketing analytics. It should be on the shortlists of marketing departments that want advanced analytics within MCCM.
  • Overall revenue and viability: SAS is a large, privately owned company with approximately $2.7 billion in revenue in 2011. Gartner estimates that it has about $325 million in campaign management revenue (analytics included), up about 9% over 2010. The vendor has solid basic and advanced functionality for campaign management, as well as strong advanced analytics capabilities, such as analytics segmentation and optimization, that are integrated into the campaign process.
  • Analytics: Changes in 2011 included the integration of Assetlink into SAS, with new modules such as resource planning and claims management. SAS also released SAS Conversation Center, which captures tweets, with some routed response workflow. This will complement SAS's social media analytics capability, which received its own updates, with support for 15 additional languages. Real-time decision manager was rearchitected, with performance improvements and added JBoss and WebLogic support, and removed requirements for WebSphere MQ. Campaign management added Greenplum relational database management (RDBM) support.
  • Road map: The road map for 2012 includes a new Web-based, persona-driven interface for SAS CI 6.1, and a high-performance version of its Marketing Optimization that promises a more than 50-times improvement in computing time. The digital marketing capability now includes SAS's newly acquired aiMatch offering, renamed SAS Intelligent Advertising for Publishers. The road map calls for extended capabilities for advertisers (on the buy side) and agencies to optimize, measure and simulate/forecast advertising inventory in a fully multitenant deliverable.
  • Integrated data structure: References reported that having an integrated data structure underneath MCCM is one of the most beneficial features of SAS products. References consistently mentioned that SAS delivers on what is promised "without storytelling."
  • Campaign management: References consider SAS for power-user-type work, using its advanced analytics capability, rather than for its strengths in campaign management alone. References also mentioned that these advanced capabilities require more configuration that they assumed.
  • Digital marketing thought leadership: The vendor needs to accelerate its digital marketing strategy, particularly around its Web analytics and social offerings. In addition, SAS has been slow to get adoption for its Real-Time Decision Manager (released in 2007). These should be highly visible core competencies for SAS, and should be leveraged as key differentiators in digital marketing and the MCCM space.
  • Alternatives: Consider alternatives when advanced marketing analytics is not a marketing project priority.

SDL Alterian

After being acquired by SDL, Alterian remains a Niche Player in this year's research, providing campaign management execution built on top of a high-performing analytics engine. Clients looking for hosted campaign management with a focus on analytical tools can consider SDL Alterian for midmarket campaign management as part of an MSP solution.
  • Overall viability: SDL, a large and profitable provider of global information management systems, acquired Alterian for $110 million. Alterian has its own line of business in SDL called the SDL Campaign Management and Analytics Division. This gives Alterian some needed stability after a series of missed earnings and a top management turnover before having been acquired. Alterian gets a larger global footprint, after the acquisition, which was completed in January 2012.
  • Alchemy: Alterian Alchemy, now being rebranded as SDL Campaign Manager and SDL Customer Analytics, was finally released after many extended delays. SDL Alterian will further expand its focus to include direct sales in the enterprise space. The Alchemy offering should provide much-improved ease of use and workflow for campaigns, while focusing on its strengths in analytical reporting and including more accessible, role-based functionality for different users. SDL Alterian will still offer and support Alterian Marketing Suite v.3.0 for existing users. SDL reports 30 new campaign management customers, which includes six new ones for Alterian Alchemy. Most Alchemy clients (MSPs) are still being implemented. SDL restructured Alterian into three lines of business for campaign management and analytics, social and Web content management to focus on growth opportunities and buying centers within diverse markets. Before the acquisition, Alterian planned to merge all three areas into a suite.
  • Road map: In 2012, SDL will focus on enterprise scalability, which includes enhancements to built-in predictive analytic capabilities, enhancements to email reporting and dashboarding, including prebuilt templates, scalability enhancements to support audiences of 100 million, and additional integration points with SDL SM2 and SDL Social Media Intelligence. SDL Campaign Manager will be integrating with SDL Tridion and SDL Fredhopper for Web personalization, content optimization and offer management. SDL will work on integration with SDL Quatron for marketing dashboards and user experience internationalization leveraging SDL Language Services and SDL Language Technologies. The planned updates are for the MSP channel and direct sales.
  • Value: References pointed to the vendor as being a good value for the cost.
  • Disruptive management turnover: Alterian management issues (and missed numbers) before the eventual acquisition by SDL hurt momentum and direction for Alterian. The SDL acquisition should bring stability and reinvestment into its development and growth plans.
  • Delays: References mentioned significant delays for Alchemy and longer-than-expected implementation times. References also gave mixed scores to support and mentioned slow response times, but noted competency when these issues were addressed.
  • MSP-centric: The channel partner, not the marketing department, usually selects Alterian. In addition, MSPs tend to view Alterian as a lower-cost, operationally focused alternative to larger campaign management offerings.


Sitecore enters this year's research among the Visionaries, focused on digital marketing as it moves from more traditional Web content management to digital marketing capabilities aimed directly at marketing organizations. Consider Sitecore when Web campaign management and the orchestration of campaigns for digital channels are priorities. Top industries targeted thus far include financial services, energy, oil and gas, government and insurance.
  • Profitability: Sitecore is profitable, with $55 million in revenue reported for 2011. Gartner estimates that about half of its revenue comes from MCCM. Sitecore is based in Demark, with most of its revenue coming from the U.S., the U.K. and Demark (in that order).
  • Digital marketing: Sitecore serves content, and can execute campaigns for websites, email campaigns, mobile sites and social media, and seeks to be a hub for exchanging digital information with external systems such as customer databases (Microsoft SQL or Oracle). The company offers on-premises and single-tenant options, and offers its own consulting for digital marketers and partners with agencies such as Sapient Nitro and Rosetta.
  • Functional breadth: Included in 2011 was significant growth of additional MCCM capabilities, including email marketing that enabled email campaigns to be tied to other channel behaviors, including mobile and Web channels. Other additions included engagement scoring and tracking across campaign channels. Sitecore released Social Connect 1.1, which enables integration with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Sitecore partners with Baynote for content recommendations and targeting, Brightcove and Ooyala for video asset management and delivery, Lionbridge for translation services, and Jungle Torch for search engine optimization (SEO) integration.
  • Aggressive road map: Sitecore's 2012 plans include an aggressive release schedule, with dynamic delivery of print assets and automated campaign tracking via quick response and other 3D bar code systems. Also being released in 2012 is the capability for advanced drill-down and online analytical processing (OLAP) analysis of campaign data. Sitecore is partnering with Telligent social marketing/engagement on websites. Sitecore has plans to release social media monitoring and language translation services as part of its App Center portfolio. In 2012, Sitecore will release Visual Path Analyzer, which aids channel attribution metrics, and will improve connections with, Siebel and SAP.
  • Integration flexibility and scalability: References consistently point to integration flexibility and scalability as strengths for Sitecore.
  • Digital marketing functionality: References indicated that although Sitecore is adding to its breadth of digital marketing functionality, best-of-breed offerings, such as third-party email marketing engines are still favored over its offerings.
  • Microsoft-centric infrastructure: Sitecore suits Microsoft .NET environments, and mainly requires a Microsoft-centric infrastructure and complementary technology. Although Sitecore's Web content management product interoperates with third-party systems via its own APIs and XML repository, Java-oriented developers seeking to create unique Web applications and to employ Java interoperability standards generally look elsewhere.
  • Offline capability: Sitecore is suited for orchestration of digital campaigns and the utilization of Web content management. However, like the traditional campaign management vendors that have focused largely offline, Sitecore and other growing digital marketing platforms must continue to provide or integrate with offline campaign management, such as call centers and direct mail.


Teradata-Aprimo remains a Leader in this year's research. Consider Aprimo Campaign Management when MRM is a strong component for B2C MCCM.
  • Overall momentum: Teradata's overall revenue was up 22% in 2011 from 2010, and up 19% in product revenue. Teradata and Aprimo have unified the branding of their campaign management offerings under the Aprimo brand. Aprimo is developing, selling and supporting the existing campaign management offerings separately, depending on business issues, data strategy, deployment preference and campaign complexity.
  • Functionality ownership versus partnering: Notable changes in 2011 included Aprimo Relationship Manager and Aprimo Marketing Studio integration of Marketing Operations functionality. Aprimo also introduced a real-time decisioning offering called Aprimo Real Time-Interaction Manager, released as its Inbound Marketing module. Previously, the company partnered for this core functionality. Teradata's acquisition of Aster Data Systems will provide Aprimo with a service offering for advanced digital marketing attribution. Aprimo and Aster will start integrating to provide real-time offerings via digital channels based on preferences expressed through social media.
  • Road map: The road map for 2012 includes continued integration with Real Time-Interaction Manager, along with existing outbound marketing capabilities. Teradata-Aprimo will develop digital marketing areas such as digital marketing attribution metrics, and will invest in email and social marketing (see "eCircle Deal Will Extend Teradata/Aprimo's Digital Marketing Strategy") for segmentation based on social data, social campaigns, and an understanding of customer and campaign sentiment.
  • References: Teradata's professional service references consistently rate it the highest among all campaign management vendors in this research. Statements regarding excellent skills and customer-oriented consultants that understand the business needs are common.
  • Classic channels: References mentioned the need for evolution beyond the classic channels of direct mail and email, and the need for significant investment in mobile and social channels.
  • Support: References noted that support is slow and sometimes limited, and that they rely on more expensive extended services for resolution. Aprimo plans to address these issues by putting in place a customer experience team to provide better service on all service levels.
  • Road map time frame: Teradata-Aprimo needs to deliver on a complete, combined offering in the next 18 months. This is a concern in a rapidly moving digital marketing environment. References consistently mentioned usability and complex upgrades as the biggest cautions for ARM.

Vendors Added or Dropped

We review and adjust our inclusion criteria for Magic Quadrants and MarketScopes as markets change. As a result of these adjustments, the mix of vendors in any Magic Quadrant or MarketScope may change over time. A vendor appearing in a Magic Quadrant or MarketScope one year and not the next does not necessarily indicate that we have changed our opinion of that vendor. This may be a reflection of a change in the market and, therefore, changed evaluation criteria, or a change of focus by a vendor.


These vendors were added:
  • Adobe Systems
  • ClickSquared
  • Infor
  • Sitecore


The following vendors did not meet our minimum criteria for 2012:
  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • SmartFocus

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

For inclusion in this year's research, Gartner focused on vendors that offer the most relevant and compelling marketing solutions, and evaluated them against the criteria listed below. As the market continues to evolve, we will adjust the criteria to reflect changing user requirements and vendor capabilities.
Vendors must support all the following:
  • The ability to create, execute and manage multichannel campaigns
  • Proven campaign planning, tracking and reporting, with role and approval capability
  • A UI suitable for marketing users who create, execute on and report on campaigns
  • Basic campaign management functionality, such as segmentation, campaign execution and campaign workflow
Market Presence and Momentum
Vendors must support all the following:
  • At least 30 customers using campaign management
  • At least 15 new customer wins in the past 12 months
  • Substantial appearances on Gartner client shortlists for campaign management evaluations
  • At least eight accessible client references
Vendor Viability
Vendors need to have at least $10 million in revenue, and enough cash to fund a year of operations at the current rate of cash depletion.
Advanced Analytics and Execution
Vendors must support at least one of these advanced functionality and execution components:
  • Predictive analytics: This is the capability to analyze customer behavior to predict attrition/churn, next most likely purchase and propensity to buy, enabling a company to more effectively target customers or stage offers during interactions.
  • Campaign optimization: This is the ability to balance and coordinate multiple constraints to maximize the expected value from one or multiple campaigns. Functionality enables trade-offs among different campaign execution options, such as which campaign to use, which channel to use, the number of interactions per individual and the expected value of each campaign.
  • Event triggering: This functionality involves the detection, prioritization and execution of a response for a significant event affecting a customer relationship. The functionality enables users to be aware of the time when a customer is most likely to be receptive to a particular offer.
  • Real-time recommendations: This is suited for offer management, and deals with offer arbitration. It enables the combination of the most-up-to-date information from data collected prior to the interaction, as well as new data collected during a real-time interaction with a customer. This approach is useful when new data needs to be collected to refine an offer, or when new data indicates that a significantly different course of action is required.
Digital Marketing
We considered specific digital marketing functionality, such as Web analytics, social analytics, social marketing and search marketing.
We place a strong emphasis on innovative, visionary offerings. Visionary examples are in advanced or emerging areas, such as inbound marketing, social, mobile and overall digital marketing. Visionaries can set a strategic direction, or demonstrate specific innovative capabilities in one or more functionality areas (such as advanced campaign functionality or digital marketing integration) in campaign management that the market will eventually adopt. Visionaries may have campaign management implementations from different buying centers, such as the customer service or e-commerce department.

Evaluation Criteria

Ability to Execute

The criteria and weightings for the Ability to Execute remained the same as 2011. We have adjusted the minimum and maximum percentages to accommodate more, but this does not represent a change in the market as a whole.
Product/Service: This is a key differentiator in vendor selection for companies trying to gain a competitive advantage. Therefore, product capabilities are given a high overall weighting. Subcriteria include basic campaign and advanced campaign management functionality (45%), and basic and advanced analytics (45%), while functionality for digital marketing is given the remaining weighting (10%).
Overall Viability (Business Unit, Financial, Strategy, Organization): This addresses the overall health of the vendor, including line-of-business offering campaign management solutions. Viability includes the vendor's history of and commitment to the continued success and development of world-class MCCM. This is given a high weighting.
Sales Execution/Pricing: This provides an assessment of the overall effectiveness of the sales channel, and how it deals with presales responsiveness, contract negotiations and pricing for campaign management. This is given a standard weighting.
Market Responsiveness and Track Record: This gives an assessment of the campaign management vendor's success in creating and meeting a consistent demand for its product, measured in continuing client wins and use in its installed base. This is given a low rating.
Marketing Execution: This provides an assessment of the vendor's overall momentum and perceived campaign management focus and presence in the market. Vendors must show established and continued broad or specific (such as industry focus) credibility for campaign management in a multichannel environment. This is given a high weighting.
Customer Experience: This is an evaluation of client relationships with campaign management vendors. Product support and responsiveness and access to best practices, such as user groups, are considered. An important component of the customer experience is ease of tool use. Gartner's campaign management clients see this as an important aspect of the overall customer experience. This is given a standard weighting.
Operations: This is the ability of a vendor to meet its goals and commitments. Factors include organizational structure (skills, experience, systems and other vehicles) that enable the vendor to operate efficiently and effectively on an ongoing basis. This is given a low rating (see Table 1).
Table 1. Ability to Execute Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation Criteria
Overall Viability (Business Unit, Financial, Strategy, Organization)
Sales Execution/Pricing
Market Responsiveness and Track Record
Marketing Execution
Customer Experience
Source: Gartner (May 2012)

Completeness of Vision

The criteria for Completeness of Vision remained the same as 2011. The innovation weighting moved from low to standard.
Market Understanding: This is the vendor's ability to understand the campaign management space, as well as its value proposition in the market, and how effective it is at reaching the marketing buying center for companies purchasing campaign management solutions. Vendors must demonstrate campaign management solutions that fit the needs of the overall market. This is given a high weighting.
Marketing Strategy: This offers an assessment of how well a vendor can differentiate itself from its competition and of functionality, and how it articulates continued leadership in its overall campaign management vision. This is given a standard weighting.
Sales Strategy: This assesses a vendor's strategy in using direct and indirect sales channels to sell campaign management solutions. This is given a standard weighting.
Offering (Product) Strategy: This assesses the campaign management feature set as it maps to functionality requirements in campaign management, particularly functionality that enables advanced capability in inbound and outbound environments. This is given a high weighting.
Business Model: This assesses the vendor's alignment of its go-to-market and sales strategies for particular industries, geographies or delivery models. This is given a standard weighting.
Vertical/Industry Strategy: A vendor is assessed on how well its solutions target its current market, as well as its ability to leverage best practices or capabilities for targeting new industries. This is given a standard weighting.
Innovation: This assesses the vendor's expertise or capital for investment for pre-emptive purposes in developing new areas of campaign management. This is given a standard weighting.
Geographic Strategy: This (see the Business Model criterion) is given a standard rating (see Table 2).
Table 2. Completeness of Vision Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation Criteria
Market Understanding
Marketing Strategy
Sales Strategy
Offering (Product) Strategy
Business Model
Vertical/Industry Strategy
Geographic Strategy
Source: Gartner (May 2012)

Quadrant Descriptions


Leaders consistently do considerably better in overall campaign management performance for basic and advanced campaigns, and for integration with e-marketing. They have high market visibility, high market penetration, strong market momentum and a strategic vision for growing the campaign management business.


Challengers see continued investments in campaign management solutions as complementary offerings to the business applications that are their core competencies. Challengers have a developing understanding of the campaign management market and basic campaign management functionality. They see campaign management as an opportunity to increase revenue and retention in their installed bases, and they concentrate on established clients' needs for campaign management functionality and strategic direction, rather than on setting a visionary pace with potential requirements.


Visionaries provide a strong vision for the campaign management market, or excel in advanced or emerging areas, such as inbound marketing and digital marketing. They can set a strategic direction or demonstrate specific innovative capabilities in one or more functionality areas (such as advanced campaign functionality or e-marketing integration) in campaign management that the market will eventually adopt. Visionaries may have campaign management implementations from different buying centers, such as the call center or e-commerce department. Although Visionaries show promise in campaign management, they may lack execution capabilities, such as growth potential, resources or scalability, in the near term.

Niche Players

Niche Players provide specific needs in the campaign management space. They may be focused on a specific functionality, process (for example, lead management), geography and/or industry. Campaign management vendors in this section tend to lack a broader set of campaign management capabilities (such as advanced analytics) or execution potential (such as sufficient resources or a fully developed market strategy).


This year's leading MCCM vendors provide the breadth and depth of capabilities needed to support multichannel campaigns, while Niche Players continue their focus on ease of use, accessibility and a SaaS delivery model. Many vendors are rethinking, acquiring or building advanced analytic capabilities such as predictive analytics, offer management and response attribution metrics, as B2C and B2B companies increase the demand for optimizing their budget and campaign efforts across growing and complex channels. Three vendors entered the Visionaries quadrant this year, as digital marketing is top of mind for most Gartner clients evaluating MCCM. Expect continued, accelerated digital marketing (mobile and social) development and acquisitions in 2012.

Market Overview

The CRM market as a whole continued to enjoy a strong rebound in 2011, with total revenue reaching $11.9 billion, a 12.7% growth from 2010. Marketing automation software, a $2.8 billion market in 2011, for which campaign management revenue represents the largest portion, is expected to have year-over-year, double-digit growth for the next three years. It represents the largest growth area in CRM, compared with sales and customer service software revenue forecasts (see "Forecast: Enterprise Software Markets, Worldwide, 2008-2015, 4Q11 Update").
However, traditional campaign management markets have started to address, but still have not fully addressed, the digital marketing ecosystem, addressable branding/advertising, contextual marketing, social marketing and transactional marketing. Consequently, vendors in adjacent markets, such as Web analytics and Web content management, have had to formulate their own strategies and build their own marketing-specific applications, such as recommendation engines, mobile marketing, display and search engine optimization capabilities, social marketing and Web campaigns. In 2012:
  • Marketing automation software will continue to rebound from its position in 2010, and will have year-over-year, double-digit growth through 2015.
  • Innovation by traditional campaign management vendors will be needed in areas such as social and mobile marketing. There continues to be a growing demand from clients.
  • Newcomers from adjacent markets, such as Web analytics and Web content, management will continue to compete for campaign management market share.
Gartner clients should use the criteria in this research to assess the MCCM market, and to help develop a road map of their capabilities. Clients should not expect a full suite of digital marketing and more traditional offline campaign management for at least another three years. Gartner clients will need to plan on sourcing multiple applications for continued innovation, and to meet evolving digital marketing needs.